タグ BLUESM@STER が登録されている動画 : 140 件中 129 - 140 件目
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【アイドルマスター】 Blowin' the Blues Away (digest) 【CBN】
Horace Silver (p), Blue Mitchell (tp), Junior Cook (ts), Gene Taylor (b), Louis Hayes (ds)
第3回ニコマスフォークジャンボリー CM3 【はいから・びゅーちふる】
開催期間 2011/8/19~2011/8/31
(カヴァー曲でもOK! その場合、アレンジは問いません!)
真「It Hurts Me Too」
単発もの真5枚。こんにちは、ヨシトミPです。最近ティタ様と遊んでばかりで、緋蜂さんと戯れられていません。...アケではオペ子がアクアレーザーLv.2、Lv.3をどうあっても出してくれません。元ネタは某ブルース名曲より。■登場人物 ・菊地真...765プロ所属アイドルグループ「貧乏トリオ」のメンバー。・美少年マネージャー...「貧乏トリオ」付きのマネージャー。プロデューサー「かんなぎP」の部下。
Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble Life Without You TAKANE 2017Ver
『Soul To Soul』1985/9 S R V forever I Can't Imagine Life Without You "私は貴方の居ない人生を想像することはできません" 少しだけ手直ししてみた2017Ver
"I hope we’ve all learned something lately about a few things. There’s no longer time for any of us to do things like that have happened to a few friends of ours of other countries, down south, anywhere in the world where people push people down instead of picking them up. We’re all here to help each other, love each other and be brothers and sisters. We’ve got one chance in this life to get out of here, whether we have to do it over and over or not, and that is to learn to love everybody else and treat them just like ourselves or forget it. Let’s all try to learn a few things and pick each other up when we’re down and not ever push nobody because we’re up. You with me? Alright. “
Stevie Ray Vaughan
身も心も 律子AC&ダウン・タウン・ブギウギ・バンド
DOWN TOWN BOOGIE WOOGIE BAND 身も心も(1977年10月20日)で 765_16さんのアイドルマスター AC版 律っちゃん蒼い鳥sm11955323からお借りしました TVドラマ版の探偵物語の最終回のEDで流れた曲です
アイドルマスター 歌舞伎町の女王
【CBN】Cross Road Blues
Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble LifeWithoutYou TAKANE
『Soul To Soul』1985/9 S R V forever I Can't Imagine Life Without You "私は貴方の居ない人生を想像することはできません"
"I hope we’ve all learned something lately about a few things. There’s no longer time for any of us to do things like that have happened to a few friends of ours of other countries, down south, anywhere in the world where people push people down instead of picking them up. We’re all here to help each other, love each other and be brothers and sisters. We’ve got one chance in this life to get out of here, whether we have to do it over and over or not, and that is to learn to love everybody else and treat them just like ourselves or forget it. Let’s all try to learn a few things and pick each other up when we’re down and not ever push nobody because we’re up. You with me? Alright. “
Stevie Ray Vaughan
Stevie Ray Vaughan And Double Trouble - Little Wing 律なつ2011
スティーヴィー・レイ・ヴォーン/リトル・ウイング Stevie Ray Vaughan And Double Trouble/Little Wing ALBUM - The Sky Is Crying (1991・11・5)原曲はJimi Hendrix - Little Wing (1967)S R V