くにおくん ダウンタウン熱血物語海外版 外人のコメント付  

くにおくん ダウンタウン熱血物語海外版 外人のコメント付  

youtubeから。 英語が得意な人翻訳よろしく。River City Ransom Powered-Up Runthrough with Commentary River City Ransom powered-up melee runthrough with commentary by player Peter Yang. This is a runthrough of the game on the advanced difficulty setting with a powered up character. It would be best to view this after the other video walkthrough since the commentary here focuses on the smaller details of the game. The other video shows me beating the game with the starter character.The password generator that I mention is located at: http://ensomnya.net/projects/rcr_password/index.html   
