

ちょっと動くととたんに画質がひどい有様。コーラスに雨音ケミが入ってます。リクエストにお応えしてアイスうめぇの人こと森尾モリト様がGUMIでカバーしてくださいましたよ→ sm15339125 もうようつべに転載されてた。見つけるの早いな^u^→ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zydhPqN14MI acquired the account with Youtube. However, I do not understand the method of up-loading animation there. Therefore, I am up-loading it only to "Nico nico douga" as usual. Thank you for up-loading it to Youtube instead of me. By the way, "Poo" is a meaning "Crab" in Thai. I am writing English through the translator. When English that I write is not understood easily, I'm sorry.
