【ALT】X-エックス- 『true my heart』OP

【ALT】X-エックス- 『true my heart』OP

mylist/20205653 Song: 'True My Heart' by ave;new feat. Sakura Saori. AVAILABLE IN BETTER QUALITY ON YOUTUBE. So, finally I can show you the opening of the new X/1999 boylove videogame we all wanted to play with all the Seishiro/Subaru, Fuma/Kamui and, oddly Kamui/Kotori also involved in what CLAMP didn't show us and that we always wanted to see... no, not really. This is just another attempt of mine to make an opening in a Mad Movie style for an imaginary X/1999 BL videogame... It's mostly slideshow because many opening for this kind of games use them and it lament a serious lack of X/1999 pics... -_- I did what I could with what I had at hand but sometimes the result isn't the best ever. Sorry about this. I've been told MAD Movie designates video done solely by Japanese so I labeled this simply an Alternate Theme...
