【ALT】東京BABYLON 1999 『笑顔の訳』 OP

【ALT】東京BABYLON 1999 『笑顔の訳』 OP

mylist/20205653 Song: 'Egao no Wake' by Hikita Kaori. AVAILABLE IN BETTER QUALITY ON YOUTUBE. Another attempt of mine to make an opening in a Mad Movie style for an immaginary TB series that would cover both TB & X... This one is focused more on 'X' and Subaru's struggle to matter in Seishiro's eyes (read: to get him to kill him... -_-;) and to 'protect him' (he raised his Kekkai for him... it's supposed to mean something...). Finally I managed to show more characters from the 'X' cast (all the Ten no Ryu, Hinoto and Fuma) even thought I had to cut Kakyou and Hokuto... ;_; I've been told MAD Movie designates video done solely by Japanese so I labelled this simply an Alternate Theme...
