"Just The Way You Are" - Bruno Mars

ヨウツベよりマイケルのアカペラメドレー( sm7884555 )の人ですSam Tsui performing a little live cover of "Just The Way You Are" by Bruno Mars...but we also threw in a little bit of Billy Joel's "Just The Way You Are." Hope you like it!━・━・━・━・━・━・━・━・━・━・━・━・━・━・━・━・etc... → mylist/15475258 MJ → mylist/15485941 MJ [2001 30th Anniversary Celebration] → mylist/15276262 MJ [1997 History Tour] → mylist/15276072 MJ [1996 Royal Brunei] → mylist/17195872 MJ [1987 BAD TOUR] → mylist/15276080 MJ [アカペラシリーズ] → mylist/6367271 ━・━・━・━・━・━・━・━・━・━・━・━・━・━・━・━・
