[Wishing on the Same Star] [VOCALOID] [Iroha] [Luka] [Gumi] [Gakupo] -neutrino version (take 1)

[Wishing on the Same Star] [VOCALOID] [Iroha] [Luka] [Gumi] [Gakupo] -neutrino version (take 1)

Unpolished version, but too beautiful to not share! This is the first time for me to make something like this, instrumental and voices in this genre. It was the hardest song to make in vocaloid until now, but I like this how it came out. ≧ω≦ The main voice is Nekomura Iroha, seconded in chorus by Luka, Gumi and Gakupo. I implemented few new features to Neko, and ... she started to feel a bit alive XDDD ... Enjoy my version, I hope the sound will preserve most of the quality ≧ω≦ For those who want the mp3: Mediafire link http://www.mediafire.com/?ahjextn7pdu3tpg
