[竜巻] [ORIGINAL] [MikiBee] [Vocaloid] [neutrinoP+tempo-P] (take 1)

[竜巻] [ORIGINAL] [MikiBee] [Vocaloid] [neutrinoP+tempo-P] (take 1)

Well... I had to make this one since it was really obsessive in my mind, and also I had to make at least once a song like this XDDD Lyrics: tempo-P (Vocalekt Visions) Song&vsq: tempo-P & neutrinoP Instruments, recording, sequencers, mastering, producing: neutrinoP Picture: Kagamine Rin (Mikan) [based on idea of the new vocaloid character named MikiBee] Enjoy the first version ≧ω≦
