[アロイストランシー] 花守の丘- Yuuka&Yuki [黒執事II]

[アロイストランシー] 花守の丘- Yuuka&Yuki [黒執事II]

この動画の著作権を私は持っていません。youtubeから皆さんが見れるように再投稿しただけです。 原作者の説明とリンクは動画の下にありますご視聴ありがとうございます!Feathers Memories Studios {羽思い出 presents: "Narcissus"Group: FictionJunction Yuuka & Yuki:花守の丘アニメ:[黒執事II] ユーザー: MikuruNyu /user/MikuruNyuAMV動画: /watch?v=K1fUT9RsDDE→ Thank you very much all my friends and subscribers, are owed by me very much because of it I they dedicate this AMv to you... And thank you very much for his support *O*!THIS VIDEO IS JUST FOR FUN. No copyright infringement intended. All rights to clips and music belong to their respective owners.
