【蓮】 ロミオとシンデレラ [Happy late b-day, Lemon!] 【歌ってみた】

【蓮】 ロミオとシンデレラ [Happy late b-day, Lemon!] 【歌ってみた】

► 代理うp主のだんご花です。  Original song: Hatsune Miku - Romeo to Cinderella; Vocals and mixing: Len; Picture: zerochan.net。  Lenさんのコメント:My dear shining knight Lemonade, sorry for the late b-day present, but now I feel better and finally able to record. You're an awesome person, really ;w; You always cheering me up with your warm words and nice tweets. You have a cute shota voice and appearance /though you're have no photos and I was just lucky to see one of them at fb =w=/. I'm really waiting for our duet and want to know you better ;w; With love, your lord. P.S. Be my Romeo! XD。
