【蓮】 心拍数♯0822 -piano version- 【歌ってみた】

【蓮】 心拍数♯0822 -piano version- 【歌ってみた】

► 代理うp主のだんご花です!  Music:蝶々P; Piano arrange:うぃんぐ; Title:心拍数♯0822; Illustration:霜月旬; Vocals: LEN。  Lenさんのコメント:Oh well... it's kinda spontaneous cover dedicated to the first monthsary with my koibito. I don't sing such calm songs (especially the piano versions) usually...but this one was very touching when we heard Kaito x Len version. We understood that it's one of our songs, even when we didn't know the lyrics. I learned them and the song only today, so, sorry for my weak headvoice...^^ I'm grateful that I have Miki in my life now, he almost saved me..) I love you. // もう离さないと约束しよう, いつでも君が寂しくないように (c)。  Lenさんのマイリスト → mylist/22196076
