英語版 サブウェイマスター インゴ&エメット verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

英語版 サブウェイマスター インゴ&エメット verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

サブウェイマスターの二人は英語でもテンション高いですね。インゴの Bravo! とエメットの Yup! It was so much fun! が素敵です。                                                     ▲二人の台詞抜出▽ you are challenged by Subway Boss Emmet and Subway Boss Ingo! Subway Boss Emmet sent out Galvantula! Subway Boss Ingo sent out Garbodor! → I am Emmet. I lost together with Ingo. Your combination is the best,perfect! You're verrrrry strong Trainers. Yup! It was so much fun! Bravo! What you showed us is a spark as Trainers. However,let me say just one thing. Winning against us is a milestone in your life. You can rack up more and more. Please move on toward an even greater goal! 元動画 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6qmdG0YYv0   mylist/29329261
