【ミンちゃん】Tell Your World~Jazz Arrangement~ 歌ってみた

【ミンちゃん】Tell Your World~Jazz Arrangement~ 歌ってみた

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2F43GtfyLsYTell Your WorldOriginal works of Kz Jazz Arrangement by farhan ( see his wonderful works at http://soundcloud.com/farhanfarhan ) of http://www.vocapost.netVocal and crappy mixing by me :pImage are taken from http://www.zerochan.netFARHAN! i LIKE your arrangement!! Sorry for taking your cover without your permission.i cant find the full original version of this song. then Starza-san ( http://www.youtube.com/user/StarZza05 ) suggest me to use farhan's cover. huuffth.. please enjoy my singing and the wonderful arrangement from farhan.for mp3 dl: http://www.box.com/s/r9s64ektqmtvt9se5vzy
