[MAD/PV] Will . 遺言 [Original Drawings]

[MAD/PV] Will . 遺言 [Original Drawings]

ニコニコ生放送用、AMV/MAD補完edit: SakuXAniChan(ポルトガル)premiered: 2012-06-06music: Yuki Kajiura - Willvision: Original Drawingsaddress: http://www.animemusicvideos.org/members/members_videoinfo.php?v=187755http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jh2rl3cd4KYComment (YouTube):This video was make for my dicipline Oficina de Artes (arts workshop) at my school, and I dicided create an MAD/PV with my own drawings. c: I made other version all in english but I'll not upload it because all true M@Ds are in Japanese, I just made other version only for the project. xDIf you wanna understand the true story go to AMV.org there down on the link for see it. c: mylist/28845900 , mylist/21186160 amv,mad,remix,mashup:archive/co28428
