Great Like Cake - Safer at Night

Great Like Cake - Safer at Night Band: Great Like Cake Song: Safer at Night Album: Stallion Italian Greg Gerardi - Guitar Andy Kondrat - Bass Mario Quintero - Drums Rob Trout - Vocals Great Like Cake rocks like Hot Snakes, These Arms Are Snakes and No Knife.- Alternative Press: February 2012 Great Like Cake's At the Drive In-style indie-rock harks back to the better side of emo.- San Diego CityBeat 2012 It feels as if they are in opposition of current trends of super polished "post hardcore" and overtly stylized and pretentious indie rock, in that Stallion Italian has this "taking it back" vibe to it. So instead of multi-layered studio trickery we have raw, lively and catchy songs performed in an aggressive manner. Everything is open; each riff and each drum hit comes crashing down distorted and unhinged giving this endeavor a punk rock urgency their contemporaries lack by and large. -