[少女時代と一緒に]Girls' Miniration・少女時代のPAPARAZZI & Gee[踊ってみたw]

[少女時代と一緒に]Girls' Miniration・少女時代のPAPARAZZI & Gee[踊ってみたw]

´ω`)ノ HelloWe are "Girls'Miniration"!We really LOVE Girls' Generation, not only their music and dancing but also their own unique chracteristics.We DON'T copy only their superficial performance like their costumes and body shapes. The most important thing we think is to express their individual personalities!Please enjoy our dance!先月、「なりきってミタ2」さんに出演させて頂いた時の映像です。PAPARAZZIとGeeを踊ってみました。担当カラーの手袋にもご注目ください!*関連動画*!NEW!9人で少女時代のGee: sm19227373 8人で少女時代のPAPARAZZI: sm18487598 8人で少女時代のHOOT: sm18200710 2人で少女時代のRun Devil Run1: sm16702487 ガルミニTwitter→ https://twitter.com/GrmnSnsd
