[MMDxVocaloid] Prism Heart [歌手音ピコ]

[MMDxVocaloid] Prism Heart  [歌手音ピコ]

HD/Original upload: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNOXrpdO1_w&feature=youtu.be Merry christmas ^A^~(although I beleive It's passed for Japan ;A;) I'm releasing my Piko model today. I realized after I purchased his voice and saw his art up close that a few details are off, but I didn't have time to remodel the errors. I will update it later ovo. DL Piko's Model here: http://www.mediafire.com/?y54c9284d428mz2 his model has two versions, one with semi-standard bone plugin, and one without. CREDITS:UST: felicia_val and yesi-chan.Motion: sm14608042 Camera: SelfishNeko2 MME: Autoluminious, NCHL Shader, Figure Shader, Burst Appeal, Workingfloor.the model is 100% by me, with custom toons and .spa.
