

Boring MUGEN Characters 1500 Series:Custom_Shinobi_Shou_2013-08-12bupdate_notes_2013-06-12b:- added blood effect- increased the volume of intro/KO/win- added AssertSpecial flag = nomusic for intro/KO/win states- fixed the standing box- fixed the jumping box- made the after images resulted by the Shadow Dancer of Shou more solid and more red- move P2 close to the sword red hit box when P2 is hit by the Ultimate Technique of NinjutsuDownload: All my new MUGEN characters are for MUGEN 1.0 only.- All my new MUGEN characters have A.I.- All my new MUGEN characters are open-sourced.i.e.Custom_Shinobi_Shou/Custom_Shinobi_Shou.def, stages/ShinShinobiDenStage2Boss.def, music=sound/ShinShinobiDenStage2Boss.mp3