Hatsune Miku (English) - Baby Don't You Break My Heart Slow (Vonda Shepard) [Vocaloid Cover]

Hatsune Miku (English) - Baby Don't You Break My Heart Slow (Vonda Shepard) [Vocaloid Cover]

Cover of Vonda Shepard's "Baby Don't You Break My Heart Slow" as performed by Miku Hatsune's new English voicebank. This is my first project with the new English Miku voicebank since I purchased her just a few days ago. I took Gumi's version, replaced the vocals, then edited the text and tuning. Overall I'm not exactly impressed with the new voicebank; it's not really as clear and fluent English as say Kaito's English voicebank. But at least its somewhat more English than this Engrish cover of the song done by Miku's Soft append voicebank http://youtu.be/SCpgxxUTrloSubtitles added using Windows Movie Maker 2.6Disclamer: I do not own the song "Baby Don't You Break My Heart Slow"
