修正版The Comfort Women Controversy Sex Slaves or Prostitutes【Gemki Fujii 藤井厳喜】

修正版The Comfort Women Controversy  Sex Slaves or Prostitutes【Gemki Fujii 藤井厳喜】

転載許可取得済修正版となりますYoutubeより転載 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqvMNKWOW7gKoreans claim that C.W. were sex slaves abducted by the Japanese armed forces.However , the claim has no ground at all.Thorough research reveals that Comfort Women were nothing but, professional prostitutes who were paid for their services.《Please spread this message to as many as possible!》Gemki Fujii (Analyst, International Relations)★ http://www.gemki-fujii.com/english/ ★More Infomation ⇒ Society For The Dissemination of Historical Fact http://www.sdh-fact.com/index.html 藤井厳喜先生関連→ mylist/17705985
