【MIDI】【Guitar Pro 5】届かない恋 '13.楽譜 by abacab

【MIDI】【Guitar Pro 5】届かない恋 '13.楽譜 by abacab

from White Album 2 Composer:石川真也.Lyrics:上原れな.GP5 & Midi Version made by abacab,a Chinese fan. Track order:Vocal、Piano、Electric Guitar 1、Electric Guitar 2、Acoustic Guitar、Strings、Bass、Drums. To download the GP5 file and hear more WA2 BGM full score made by me,click: http://www.konotaku.com/thread-53463-1-1.html or http://www.konotaku.com/thread-53463-1-1.html. Please feel free to point out my mistakes to improve this score
