Custom OMK Beatrice 更新 update 20131122

Custom OMK Beatrice 更新 update 20131122

Custom OMK Beatrice 更新 update 20131122:- fixed a stupid HUD bug- fixed Twin Towers' "bullets" Helpers HitOverride bug- fixed get-up butterflies- made Attack Touch faster- removed Red Truth red aura Helper shadow- re-adjusted the distance between Beatrice and P2 during the "Beatrice's Definition of a Closed Room" super move- disabled fall recover when P2 is hit by Attack Touch- added Attack Touch to A.I- made the win pose "it's perfecto" appear when life >= 200- made the win pose "stomp your head" appear when life < 200- changed the A.I. Twin Battle Towers summoning Triggers- fixed the dizzy paletteDownload:!105#cid=7DB65F02B0BBD12E&id=7DB65F02B0BBD12E!406* for MUGEN 1.0 onlyMUGEN stage: