空の境界‧劇場版 2 - M01 Reloaded

空の境界‧劇場版 2 - M01 Reloaded

M01 is the OP of "Kara no Kyoukai Movie 2." In summer of 2009, I started the plan of the original recording then released it in June; and became the first transcriber and piano player of the master-piece. After 5 years, with new ideas and views, I decide to perform and record this song again. In this version, improvement for both audio and video qualities were made, plus sharpened and balanced skill. Hope you all like it! :) 事隔五年重新錄製這首曲目,回首過往略帶青澀與激動的演出,一切未盡之處就當做是年輕時候犯下的錯誤吧! 為了重新詮釋這首曲子的美感,這次的錄影舉凡技巧、和聲、錄音、畫質都有明顯改善,以饗舊雨新知。
