

聴ければいい人向けですが作業用BGMにでも括弧内は使用した作品名の表示です。【曲目】1.Historia_ opening theme 2.Contractor 3.ordinary dream 4.fairyland 5.let the stars fall down6.a song of storm and fire 7.the land of water 8.媛星 9.目覚め 10.MATERIALISE 11.moonflower 12.a fruitless love 13.Luminous sword 14.Surgam identidem 15.the sword of promised victory~fate/zero ver 16.Pandora hearts expanded 17.ship of fools 18.voyagers 19.lightseekers 20.デュラン召還21.frenetic 22.Awaking 23.Zodiacal Sign 24.the image theme of Xenosaga Ⅱ25.矛盾螺旋 IV - paradigm 26.Sis puella magica! 27.Credens justitiam 28.聖乙女の祈り 29.Preparation 30.Bloody rabbit31.sand dream 32. where the lights are ~SHEW投稿したもの mylist/22992544
