[MMD] Devil Apple [Angela][White Glint chibi]

[MMD] Devil Apple [Angela][White Glint chibi]

Using the new stage ORBITZ by Trackdancer. Great stage for Angela I think! As always I own nothing but the video. Everything else was done by people more talented than I. mylist/3906411 :Motion by mamasan02 :Camera by p Lord/HVP :Song=> Devil Apple Club Mix :Stage MMD Miku Hatsune's ORBITZ Stage by Trackdancer => http://www.deviantart.com/art/MMD-Miku-Hatsune-s-ORBITZ-Stage-467350837 :Skydome=> Low earth orbit skydome AL by Tansoku102cm :Model=> Angela - Windows 100% January 2014 issue,White Glint chibi by daiginjo :Effects=> pmotskin shader, Figureshader, o_SelfOverlay-Soft, AutoLumious4, ExcellentShadow2, Excellent Shadow SSAO, o_DLAA, SvDOF2, ObjectLumious, KiraKira, Diffusion7, Self_Thunder
