【DMU: North America and Europe】「Highway」 【22 Danced_It】

【DMU: North America and Europe】「Highway」 【22 Danced_It】

*HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!* We hope you enjoy!We are from America, Canada, Italy, and France!! We love NicoNico!!!Dancers:J0nquille @J0nquille mylist/44526712 E☆ri @oizucchan mylist/44071625 Haruto @CosStarHaruto mylist/46372982 Light @LightNND mylist/45834479 Telmiwai @Telmiwai_desu user/37701034 Delight @xtayelizabeth user/20682159 Faith @faithchuu user/36510155 Secretly Viola @secretlyviola2Misuchi @MiisuChiDeafKpopDancer Tiger @Teal8Tiger Fuyu @ShikiNoFuyu Pom @ToasterLaser RaesaK @_Raesak_ Amelia and Julee @@ikeikeimouto Kyomica and Minami @KYoMicA_27 Kp ADORE Salad @RedPandaSashaSouless HD - Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/CosStarDanceYoutube - https://www.youtube.com/user/CosStarDance
