テクノロジー犯罪の実態...3 sakura投稿代弁

テクノロジー犯罪の実態...3 sakura投稿代弁

no.3They are crazy. They already started to control the human-beings’s feelings by this technology,,,However, They can do it against some of people,,,But, Some of people are not…The brainwashing act should be prohibited in international law.Because it is violation of space law, I want to demand the indemnity from criminals.So, Please check this apartment…And satellites base & electric base or satellite control base in Japan…So, Please check this sigt of yahoo as Japanese yahoo chiebukuro & yahoo note...the titles in Japanease are 「時空を超えた組織犯罪」「時空を超えた組織犯罪の真実」「テクノロジー犯罪による被害者の皆さんへ」1~4And Please check the web-sigt as face-book of Makoto Mac Honda And,There was Maruyama Foundation in Japan on our true time. I remembered that My family name was Maruyama.I was Son of this Foundation.How do you catch them?and other sentence...
