Give It All Your Sailor Fuku (Lil Jon vs Lucky Star)

Give It All Your Sailor Fuku (Lil Jon vs Lucky Star)

Youtube転載。海外のマッシュアップ系動画を投稿している人の作品。投稿動画: mylist/53411147 転載元: 原題: Give It All Your Sailor Fuku (Lil Jon vs Lucky Star)作者: secefeces転載元コメント:GANBATTE (WHAT!)HARIKITTE (YEAH!)MY DARLING DARLING PLEASE (OKAAAAAY!)----------------Lil Jon's "Give It All U Got" meets "Motteke! Sailor Fuku", the OP from Lucky Star. I actually like how this one turned out. :DEDIT: Now with mp3 download!