【LML】ひみつをちょーだい 【踊ってみた】

【LML】ひみつをちょーだい 【踊ってみた】

★English★hello!! Since a long time we wanted to do this cover! And this time It came out of nowhere~It was fun to edit the video and see how all (or almost all) fit so beautiful *A* We feel that we are improving (?)We know that nothing changes a cover where dancers can have human contact.... but we love each other from afar (Gaaaaay)Someday we will meet all and we can Touching and hugging all we want. Everything for Ars boys, thanks to them we have created a small family more! ♡We hope as always that you like de video~✡Luci (Light blue ) 【Argentina】✡Saku (Red) 【Argentina】✡Usi (Purple) 【Chile】Choreography and music: Arsmagna / アルスマグナEdicion: UsiIlustración: https://www.facebook.com/Amaya.Sakura.Art/ 【Redes Sociales/ Social Networks?【Twitter】 https://twitter.com/LatinMagnaLove
