【MMDxUndertale】- Drop Pop Candy! / 【MMDxウンダテル】 - Drop Pop Candy!

【MMDxUndertale】- Drop Pop Candy! / 【MMDxウンダテル】 - Drop Pop Candy!

Here's another MMD video to ya JAPs because I'm a nice person and I love things you make. (´▽`)ノ♪Yes, there is ACTUAL MMD models for the Undertale (ウンダテル) characters. And us Engrish (English) people do MMD videos of them or do them singing to Vocaloid songs. I may try to upload an english version of them actually singing the song with voices! (Or something else entirely.)(This is just their sound effects. And this not made by me, it's TehAwesomeEpicness on YouTube.)
