FLOWER KNIGHT GIRL 950華霊石でアニバーサリーガチャ引いてみた 統計:虹1=0.5%

FLOWER KNIGHT GIRL 950華霊石でアニバーサリーガチャ引いてみた 統計:虹1=0.5%

フラワーナイトガール GACHA 【統計:金15=7.1% 虹1=0.5%】 1/200≒0.5%、 19回目で虹が出たので。 つまり他に引く人がいなければ、丁度200枚で1虹引けるなのでは... ▎【Verify the probability of Flower Knight Girl GACHA】: 200 Cards = 1 rainbow card = 0.5% ▏ I have been playing this game for a year, My friends and I come to a conclusion, which is in this game, everyone gacha from the same card pool, and one rainbow card will be put into the card pool after 200 cards are drawn. ▏Because there is only one card pool in this game, which means All players have the opportunity to get this rainbow card when it appears. ▏So that's why some people spend 200,000 yen and no rainbow card, but some people get rainbow card with one draw, because everyone shares the same card pool.
