【itria】Alice in Meru哨戒班を歌ってみた

【itria】Alice in Meru哨戒班を歌ってみた

including:Alice in 冷凍庫 sm28242091 meru sm26238908 アスノヨゾラ哨戒班 sm24276234 donut hole sm22138447 lost one的号哭 sm20244918 炉心融解 sm8089993 毒占欲 sm22783517 ゴーストルール sm27965309 just be friends jazz ver. sm22872804 僕がモンスターになった日 sm27962865 東京テディベア sm27345332 Since 2013,I have been listening to vocaloid songs for about 3 years.I’d like to express my thankfulness to all producers by this video.I’m looking forward to more great products.
