【Shia】βίος-δ Sang it in English 【Guilty Crown】

【Shia】βίος-δ Sang it in English 【Guilty Crown】

Wats kickin'! Shia here!For those of you who have seen "Guilty Crown", this is a bgm from the anime. It's originally in German (I think). Forget-me-not Here is...βίος-δ (Bios Delta)Thanks to all who have helped and to all my supportive listenersδ Original: βίος-δ ギルティクラウン 小林未郁δ Lyrics: AmaLee @AmaAmaLeeLeeδ Instrumental: 弘之澤野δ Mix: ぐりねお 【co2342878】@gurineo_nico   http://3nengachigumi.wix.com/gurineo δ Movie&Encode: 奈々 彗月 mylist/54874895 δ Illustration: 都賀島 @silvia_light   http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=3043611 δ Vocal: Shia → mylist/54189492  @FellyShia_516Please stop by my broadcast→【co3605671】You're more than welcome to Fav me (wink wink) → user/41902266
