[MMD] Ghost Rule [Miku]

[MMD] Ghost Rule [Miku]

As always I own nothing but the video. Everything else was done by people more talented than I.:Model- Tda formula modified Miku Append adult version Ver0.91 by Video N - http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm28685431:Stage- stage 70 by Toilet:Song- Ghost Rule by Deco27:Motion and camera- moka:Effects- ikpolish_shader v12, AutoLumious4, CheapLens, excellent shadow2, HgDOF, HgSAO v0.0.1, IK blur _v012, IkDiffusion, ikLensGhost_v007, IkWetCloth, o_DLAA, o_SelfOverlay v06 mmm, WorkingFloor2_v005, ikBokeh
