【Kagamine Rin V4x】ARROW【VOCALOIDカバー】

【Kagamine Rin V4x】ARROW【VOCALOIDカバー】

HIIII IM BACK! i was away for awhile and i apologize but i recently listened to niki's new song and i just needed to cover it asap! i also hit 1k subs on my youtube channel so im very happy and thank you all for 800+ followers on soundcloud!Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z6OgVb91GZSoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/liliam-is-fab/kagamine-rin-v4xarrowcoverMusic & Lyrics: NikiOriginal: www.nicovideo.jp/watch/ sm29348475 UST: Aoka (converted and edited by me)Tuning & Mixing: me
