Salon International, London. Haircuts Salon Show/Vern Scissors/Shears 雙手剪髮及飛剪特技

Salon International, London. Haircuts Salon Show/Vern Scissors/Shears 雙手剪髮及飛剪特技 International, London.與您分享 @韋恩 ‪#‎英國倫敦美髮展‬ SHOW【完整版影片】 ♡ 創新進步的價值在於延續生命 ♡➤ 韋恩雙手零缺點剪法就是雙手剪刀、剃刀、電剪、多把剪刀…等,且榮獲英、美、德、法、義、西、中、澳…等多國發明專利。 Both-handed Faultless Cutting Techniques vary with different cutting tools such as scissors, razors, electric clippers, multi-blade and so on.Vern Both-handed Faultless Cutting Techniques has been awarded Invention Patent Rights in many countries. Such as UK, USA, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, China, Australia and so on.The revolutionary, leading hairdressing technique- VERN Both-handed Faultless Cutting suprises the whole world!