【終物語】 Mathemagics of the Tiger - Owarimonogatari vs. Survivor

【終物語】 Mathemagics of the Tiger - Owarimonogatari vs. Survivor

Youtube転載。海外のマッシュアップ系動画を投稿している人の作品。投稿動画: mylist/53411147 転載元: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRu4Go0Jvsw 原題: Mathemagics of the Tiger - Owarimonogatari vs. Survivor - #LoveDetermination作者: Triple-Q転載元コメント:Download: https://mega.nz/#!t9MnBb7T!9RRHlvCrtN...Artwork: http://triple-q.tumblr.com/post/13947...#LoveDetermination: a series of mashups about motivation, determination, inspiration, and overcoming impossible odds in the face of adversity.Songs used:"mathemagics" - Marina Inoue & Chiwa Saito"Eye of the Tiger" - Survivor
