

是非チャンネル登録していただけると嬉しいです。就活100社受ける予定です。その記録をyoutube上にあげています。【チャンネル登録はこちら】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwXgkXfPK2A4B4JvG0k3m6g/featured 【Twitter】 https://twitter.com/sokusenryoku2 【Instagram】 https://www.instagram.com/karaoke100/ 【LINEblog】 http://lineblog.me/madogiwa_kota/ 【niconico動画】 http://www.nicovideo.jp/user/66981911Currently, I am aiming for 100 points with karaoke, and I post a video of the process. There is one thing I always wondered. That means that the singers were good at singing from the beginning. Of course, I think talent is involved. I do not think anyone can become Michael Jackson by making an effort. However, I think that it will be able to improve to a certain extent. So, in order to prove it, I started video posting. I am pleased if you can watch my video and sure to take 100 points. Thank you very much.
