【Project DIVA Extend】「結んで開いて羅刹と骸」PV

【Project DIVA Extend】「結んで開いて羅刹と骸」PV

PDE PV #28: Close and Open, Demons and the Dead Original Song Broadcast: sm7550182 Music: ハチ (Hachi) || Lyrics: ハチ (Hachi) || Arrangement: ハチ (Hachi) PDFT Clean PV: sm31658208 All PDFT Clean PVs: mylist/59379211 PDF2 Hard Perfect: sm33996427 PDF2 Clean PV: sm33327649 All PDF2 Hard Perfects: mylist/62939000 All PDF2 Clean PVs: mylist/61810319 PDE Hard Perfect: sm31055002 PDE Clean PV: sm31403851 All PDE Extreme Perfects: mylist/58806635 All PDE Hard Perfects: mylist/58798900 All PDE PVs: mylist/59246982
