

ラブライブ!サンシャイン!!Aqours「恋になりたいAQUARIUM」英語で Youtube: https://youtu.be/OJt1_69oWc4 ☆✿ CREDITS ✿☆ ❀ Original Song: 畑亜貴、渡辺和紀、佐々倉有吾 ✿ English Lyrics: Sky ❀ Mix: Dane ✿ Arrangement: Marina ❀ Sprite Edit: Mewms ✿ Video: Esturd + Mewms ☆✿ LINKS ✿☆ ❀ Youtube Channel: http://youtube.com/c/9Mermaids ✿ Lyrics, Downloads and Acapella Versions: http://the9mermaids.tumblr.com/songs ❀ Follow us on Tumblr http://the9mermaids.tumblr.com ✿ Meet our Members http://the9mermaids.tumblr.com/members ❀ Request a Song https://goo.gl/forms/9D6c2g4G5WZ7sqiU2 ✿ Hang out with us on Discord https://discord.gg/AKtPvKr ❀ Support us on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/9mermaids ✿ Twitter: @the9mermaids
