【MMDVOCALOID】神威がくぽ - 武士 ペプシマン

【MMDVOCALOID】神威がくぽ - 武士 ペプシマン

Hi guys,Now i'll present in this time,a new MMD Video but in this time with Kamui Gakupo and the Extend version of himself (Whisper,Power and Native),in his new MMD Video but of Pepsi Man.Well guys,i hope you like it~^w^© All rights reserved http://www.youtube.com/user/she9021Models: Kamui Gakupo Model by YMExtend Kamui Gakupo (Whisper,Power and Native) Models by YM and AngraLu na17 Motion by Metalmiku2 http://fav.me/dbe7efbEffects: Diffusion,SSAO and dDarkShader
