【海賊ケルト】Ye Banished Privateers 名曲選【航海用BGM】

【海賊ケルト】Ye Banished Privateers 名曲選【航海用BGM】

スウェーデンの海賊民族音楽バンド「Ye Banished Privateers」の曲をまとめてみたよ。「汝ら追放されし私掠船」とはまたコテコテなバンド名ですね。1.First Night Back in Port 2.You and Me and the Devil Makes Three 3.Skippy Aye Yo 4.I Dream of You 5.Annabel 6.Gangplank 7.Dead Man's Song 8.A Declaration of Independence 9.Yellow Jack 10.Cooper's Rum 11.A Night at the Schwarzer Kater 12.Libertalia 13.Sticks and Stones 14.All the Way to Galway 15.Welcome To Tortuga 16.Eastindiamen 17.Bosun's Verses 18.Bring Out Your Dead 19. Ringaroo at Cooper's Inn 20.We Are Ye Banished Privateersこっちもヨロシク→【西洋ファンタジー感ある北欧バンド集】 mylist/59488368
