1, 2 Sangokuden Club

1, 2 Sangokuden Club

For those who might not have seen BBW it's another rendition of the timeless Chinese tale "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", but instead of people it's got cute little gundams in it. Which is why I thought it'd be good to use these. Unfortunately there aren't models for all the characters I wanted to use, but here's some main ones at least, they work pretty well (12 fricking models, the irony of the song name).Song - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=juHX-TxIPvEModel - Ryubi, Chouun, Chouhi, Kanu, Koumei, Shuuyu, Sonken, Sonshoukou, Shibai, Sousou, Ryofu, and Chousen by BlazeRaptorMotion - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0-BvsvFSJs&index=42&list=PLmTermt8lk9dxtpI2KcRuqLrlAwlj8xOUStage - http://trackdancer.deviantart.com/art/MMD-Heaven-s-Cave-Stage-584574226http://btabc.deviantart.com/art/Omega-Skydome-pack-4-415131227Effects - SSAO, Diffusion
