【AMV】 ジョーカー・ゲーム 『RequieM』

【AMV】  ジョーカー・ゲーム 『RequieM』

Oh, finally I'm back on making AMV... I wasn't sure I was still capable of making them. The plot of this one is pretty simple. As Miyoshi travels toward Berlin, he ends up on thinking back to the time he spent at D Agency and, more specifically, to Sakuma. He remembers their troubles at getting along, how he involved him in the Joker Game and how he tricked him into being forced to commit Harakiri if they weren't to find proof Gordon was a spy, not believing the man would have had the courage to do it. However Miyoshi's situation ends up paralleling Sakuma when Miyoshi ends up involved in a train crash. As he remembers how Sakuma, despite being cornered, managed to find a way out of his predictment, he also find a way, not so much to survive as his wound is a fatal one, but to let the info he's carrying survive, trusting someone else that's not himself (Yuuki) would come retrieve it despite the risk.
