【東方English Vocal】「Frozen Starfall」 Ephemeral Fantasy【English/Dutch Subbed】

【東方English Vocal】「Frozen Starfall」 Ephemeral Fantasy【English/Dutch Subbed】

forwarded from my youtube channeThis arrange is very good, I didn't expect a collab with ORANGE★JAM Thank you babbe for all the good music!If you enjoy their works, please support Frozen Starfall by buying the physical CD: https://www.melonbooks.co.jp/detail/detail.php?product_id=194982 or feel free to donate whatever you like on their bandcamp: https://frozenstarfall.bandcamp.com/album/expeditionTitle: Ephemeral FantasyAlbum: ExpeditionCircle: Frozen StarfallOriginal: デザイアドライブ (Desire Drive)Source: 東方神霊廟 ~ Ten Desires (Touhou 13)Vocals: Sasi & Renko (ORANGE★JAM)Lyrics: Renko (ORANGE★JAM)Release: 29-12-2016 (Comiket Market 91)Website: https://frozenstarfall.net/expedition/Translation: me (parkeerwacht)Picture source: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=28137479artist: まくわうに
