

お借りした物は動画内に記載<br>先の作品 http://www.nicovideo.jp/my/mylist/ 这是我第一次做这种视频,花了我快三个月的时间orzIt is my first time to do the video like this.It takes me about 3 mouths to finish it...orz关于故事情节,请到bilibili观看下面的评论[中國语注意] About the story,please go to bilibili to read the coment below[中國语注意] https://www.bilibili.com/video/av16233317/ 如果有人能看懂中文帮忙翻译的话,真是感激不尽!If anyone can understand Chinese and translate the story,thank you very much!!!我希望这个故事能被喜欢w 谢谢观看wI hope this story can be likedwww Thank you for watching!w
