【Project Diva F】「ODDS&ENDS」PDF専用ミニコン VS DualShock

【Project Diva F】「ODDS&ENDS」PDF専用ミニコン VS DualShock

The purpose of this video wasn't to get Perfect. In fact, by letting the goofs slide, you get to see the pitfalls of each controller. The Mini Con is more sensitive and thus prone to accidental hits from simple grazes. The DualShock is cramped and subject to fat-thumbing and finger tiring.If you value your FINE/GOOD rate, the Mini Con hurts. It increased my FINEs/GOODs by 30%. Ouch. This is most likely due to the activation point of button presses on the Mini Con being right at the beginning. Just about every other controller has its activation point at the end, or at least after a tactile bump.However, I can't deny the Mini Con is a heck of a lot more fun to use.
