

3min study of hundred year's war.Most people believe that this war was fought by two kingdoms, the winner is france, jannne d'arc was a saint, but these aren't true.This was a civil war to succeede the throne of france between plantagenet and valois, winner was valois, jannne d'arc was burned at the stake as a witch, and this fact was proved by the greatest play of william shakespeare "King Henry the Sixth ".アルマニャックがイングランド領だったことについて。-エドワード黒太子の徴税に反発して離反してるんだよなぁ確か動画はたったの3分ですので、紅茶ができる時間を計るのに使ってください。イギリス史が聞き流せる約3分→ mylist/61446973
