【IA English C】Expose【オリジナル】

【IA English C】Expose【オリジナル】

禁止されていた歌を歌ったIAちゃんを待ち受けていたものは?いつもはクラシカ畑なんですが、初めてポップス系に挑戦。ポップスに聞こえるかな?作り終わってから、IAちゃんが歌い間違えているのが1箇所(リフレインを含めると2箇所)あることに気がつきましたが、そのままにしてあります (IAちゃんのせいにするなこら)字幕および下の原詩が正しいですExposeYou are so wonderful, you are so beautiful,I bet you, you are shining in the sky like the midnight moon.You are so heartful, you are so mindful,I bet you, you have the power to change the whole world soon.Believe me, believe in yourself, your passion glows like fire,Dot it now, I assure you, you don't have to conceal.Believe me, believe in yourself, your action they would admire,Dot it now, I assure you, now it's time to reveal.Expose yourself, express yourself, with all your might, Don't hesitate, you have nothin' to be ashamed of.Reveal yourself, uncover yourself, with all your might, Don't be afraid, you have everythin' to be proud of.よろしく>BumblebeeQueen  mylist/39940036
