【Mooza Kemono VCV 2.1】 天使だと思っていたのに【UTAUカバー】

【Mooza Kemono VCV 2.1】 天使だと思っていたのに【UTAUカバー】

"Woah! New version??? I thought you stop developing this voicebank."Nah I'm have too much free time. so Here is version 2.1- Rework oto.ini (use with Constant Velocity 170)- Remaster audio volume.* Use Moresampler for the best soundings. https://webhost.engr.illinois.edu/~khua5/index.php/moresampler/Downloadhttps://cdn.charon-3.appboxes.co/utau/Original: Utsu-P / 鬱P sm32672006 Ust: Pei/Bacon Twitter: @Mooza_Kemono
